Sunday 3 November 2013

Artist Website Analysis of The Weeknd

As you can see The Weeknds website is very simple and effective, you have these interactive boxes on the website which when hovered over with the mouse cursor give you the name of what section you are selecting, for example if your mouse cursor hovered over the central image it will change the picture to something saying Fans, ect. Also at the top of the website we have Kiss Land in neon writing which attracts the audiences attention, and this is the name of the Weeknds new album, this is a very cheap and effective way to market themselves and there album in one place. As I said before the website is very simple yet effective, the use of colors on the website really stand out, the neon colors against the plain black background make the title pop out at the audience, plus the font style used for the album name really makes the audience look at it.

As you can see at the bottom of the website you have many tabs to click on, you have many of the other social networking websites to select if you want to keep up to date with the Weeknd, you have the shop where you can purchase the Weeknd clothing, you also have a link to there iTunes library, you can also sign up to a newsletter which regularly updates the users of upcoming events and new songs being released by The Weeknd.

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